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Staking in DeFi

Konstantin Lomashuk 29.09.2020

Decentralized Finance - programmable finance where each party can interact
with each other permissionless.

● Openness
● Transparency
● Trustlessness
● Composability
● Programmabilty (powered by code)
● Permissionlessness
● Self-Custody

● Store of Value (Bitcoin)

● Staking (Cosmos, Polkadot, Ethereum)
● DEXs, AMM (0x, Uniswap, Curve, Mooniswap)
● Aggregators (1inch, yearn)
● Lending (Compound, Aave, Maker)
● Stablecoins (Maker)
● Derivatives (Synthetix)
● Insurance (Nexus)
1. Lock value
2. (optional) Perform work
3. (optional) Bear risks
4. …
5. Profit
Consensus Staking

● Proof of stake - concept states that a person can mine or validate block
transactions according to how many coins he or she holds.
Staking in DeFi

● Governance (Kyber)
● Сollateral (Synthetix)
● Liquidity mining (Sushi)
● Insurance (Nexus)
● Work permit (Livepeer, Nucypher)

● Stated protocol risks

● Bugs
● Price risks
● Scams

● Assets under staking

● Clients: more than 3000
● We are hiring

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