БЛЮМ-БУМ ЗА ДЕНЬ :: Дэннис Гартман перестал делать ставку на падение евро против доллара и франка » Элитный трейдер
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БЛЮМ-БУМ ЗА ДЕНЬ :: Дэннис Гартман перестал делать ставку на падение евро против доллара и франка

Известный автор конслатингового портала «Gartman Letter» и фонд менеджер, господин Dennis Gartman, который известен своими точными прогнозами и рекомендациями в разных сегментах финансового рынка, в том числе валютного и сырьевого, изменил свои ставки против евро
5 апреля 2011 Bloomberg
Известный автор конслатингового портала «Gartman Letter» и фонд менеджер, господин Dennis Gartman, который известен своими точными прогнозами и рекомендациями в разных сегментах финансового рынка, в том числе валютного и сырьевого, изменил свои ставки против евро. Господин Dennis Gartman больше не играет на падение евро против франка и пока не придерживается мнения, о падении евро против доллара.Господин Dennis Gartman намерен начать покупать евро против франка, на возможных коррекциях.Аргументы — так называемый падающий тренд по паре евро-франк, похоже сломлен.Одновременно, гоподин Dennis Gartman делает ставку на ослабление иены, продавая японскую валюту также и против золота и против японских акций.Ставка на агрессивное повышение, делается по канадскому доллару против доллара США, так как чем лучше дела в американской экономике, тем лучше они и в самой канадской экономике.

БЛЮМ-БУМ ЗА ДЕНЬ :: Дэннис Гартман перестал делать ставку на падение евро против доллара и франка

April 4 (Bloomberg) — Newsletter writer, fund manager Dennis Gartman exiting short euro, long Swiss franc position after euro strength broke a year-long down trend line for the cross

Подробности на сайте: www.thegartmanletter.com/Это выдержки из оригинального текста

Regarding our positions in the forex markets, we are holding and have held for too long positions bullish of the Swiss franc/bearish of Sterling and the EUR, and although the trend of the past year hasbeen clearly in our favour, the trend of the past two weeks has been even more clearly not. The EUR/CHf cross has risen from 1.2400 in early March to 1.3125 this morning, proving us wrong. We shall have to use any periods of weakness in this cross in the next several days to get out of this position, and believe us, we shall do so. We’ve no choice. The market has told us we are wrong and we want out.

On the “plus side,” we are short of the Yen relative to Japanese stocks and relative those trades have worked out quite well. We are also aggressively long of the Canadian dollar vs. the US dollar, and that trade… one to which we’ve added already and which we began with the rather unusual decision to start with two units rather than one… has proven of very real merit with the C$ at multi-year highs.

Why the inordinate strength on Friday given the bullish news of the US dollar on the employment front? Because a strong US economy proves a better and stronger environment into which Canadian goods and services can be sold. Canada’s economy may be diversifying its focus upon Asia and away from the US as it is able, but the US is still Canada’s greatest client state. Better conditions here mean even better conditions for our great and enduring friends “in the North.”We shall do our best then to sit tight, understanding that any two or three day periods of weakness in the Canadian dollar will be used to add to our position yet again.

Немного графики по сырьевым рынкам от Reuters

БЛЮМ-БУМ ЗА ДЕНЬ :: Дэннис Гартман перестал делать ставку на падение евро против доллара и франка
БЛЮМ-БУМ ЗА ДЕНЬ :: Дэннис Гартман перестал делать ставку на падение евро против доллара и франка
БЛЮМ-БУМ ЗА ДЕНЬ :: Дэннис Гартман перестал делать ставку на падение евро против доллара и франка


Такие мысли выразила зампред.ЦБ Швеции, госпожа Karolina Ekholm.По ее словам, слишком мощное укрепление кроны, делает затруднительным и опасным, дальнейшее планомерное повышение процентных ставок в стране, так как это вызовет еще более сильный рост валюты Швеции.По словам госпожи Karolina Ekholm, для ЦБ страны стало неожиданным, столь значительное укрепление кроны и соответственно, учитывая факт того, что разрыв в процентных ставках в Швеции и других странах, останется широким (то есть не будет значительного увеличения процетных ставок в Европе и США) то наилучшим решением для шведского регулятора, может стать, более умеренная денежно-кредитная политика, так как за счет роста кроны, инфляционные риски(которы и провоцировали роста ставок в стране) будут нейтрализованы.

БЛЮМ-БУМ ЗА ДЕНЬ :: Дэннис Гартман перестал делать ставку на падение евро против доллара и франка
БЛЮМ-БУМ ЗА ДЕНЬ :: Дэннис Гартман перестал делать ставку на падение евро против доллара и франка
БЛЮМ-БУМ ЗА ДЕНЬ :: Дэннис Гартман перестал делать ставку на падение евро против доллара и франка
БЛЮМ-БУМ ЗА ДЕНЬ :: Дэннис Гартман перестал делать ставку на падение евро против доллара и франка

STOCKHOLM, April 4 (Reuters) — Swedish Riksbank Deputy Governor Karolina Ekholm said on Monday the Swedish crown could appreciate more than the central bank's forecasts currently suggest, meaning slower rises in interest rates ahead. Ekholm said the gap between Swedish interest rates and those of key central banks in other regions is likely to remain wider than the main forecast by the Riksbank. «This could mean that the krona will appreciate more than the forecast suggests,» she said in the text of a speech published on the Riksbank's website. «As a stronger krona dampens both inflationary pressures and resource utilisation, I believe that a lower repo rate path than that decided upon would lead to better target fulfilment.» The next Swedish interest rate announcement is due on April 20, a day after a central bank meeting.


Такое мнение высказал господин Eiji Hirano, который раньше трудился на посту исполнительного директора Банка Японии.По словам господина Hirano, на фоне роста ставок доходности по государственным бумагам правительства Японии, вполне возможно, что Банк Японии начнет выкупать бумаги с открытого рынка, чтобы стабилизировать цены и успокоить инвесторов.Более того.Если предположить, что курс иены будет слабеть в среднесрочной перспективе, то допустимо новое вмешательстов G 7 чтобы не допустить резкого ослабления японской валюты.

БЛЮМ-БУМ ЗА ДЕНЬ :: Дэннис Гартман перестал делать ставку на падение евро против доллара и франка
БЛЮМ-БУМ ЗА ДЕНЬ :: Дэннис Гартман перестал делать ставку на падение евро против доллара и франка

TOKYO, April 4 (Reuters) — The Bank of Japan will not hesitate to buy more government bonds from the market if needed to calm investors, as the country's economy may contract this fiscal year due to the earthquake, a former senior BOJ official said. While the yen is likely to weaken in the medium to long term as the BOJ maintains its ultra-loose monetary policy, the Group of Seven will likely step into the currency market again if the yen spikes at an alarming rate, said Eiji Hirano, who as executive director at the Japanese central bank attended numerous G7 gatherings.

«The yen's move just after the quake was a perfect case for concerted intervention,» Hirano told Reuters in an interview on Monday. «The markets are still unstable. In the event of severe market turmoil, the G7 nations may jointly intervene again.» In their first joint intervention since 2000, the Group of Seven nations sold the yen after it spiked to record highs after the March 11 earthquake, threatening to deal another blow to an export-reliant economy that was just picking up from a lull when the disaster struck. G7 nations are unlikely to issue a statement on currencies when they gather on the sidelines of an IMF meeting later this month, but will stick to their stance of taking action in currency markets when necessary, said Hirano, who left the BOJ in 2006 but has close ties with central bankers across the globe. Japan is struggling to contain a nuclear crisis triggered by the quake and subsequent tsunami but also needs to start finding ways to cover the huge cost of disaster relief and keep damage to the fragile economy to a minimum amid the threat of electricity blackouts due to the loss of power plants.

Some lawmakers have called on the BOJ to directly underwrite government bonds to help pay for disaster relief, although key cabinet ministers and senior ruling party lawmakers have dismissed the idea as unlikely and inappropriate. Hirano toed the BOJ's official line, saying that for the central bank to print money to directly finance government debt would further undermine market confidence in Japan's fiscal discipline and could backfire by triggering sharp rises in bond yields.

But he said there was more the BOJ could do, such as further expanding its asset buying programme or buying more government bonds from the market. «The BOJ already buys government bonds from the market. I think it won't hesitate to buy more government bonds if it feels doing so would help keep markets stable,» Hirano said. The BOJ is expected to revise down its assessment of the economy at a meeting ending on Thursday and to discuss launching a new scheme to offer quake-hit financial institutions one-year loans at an interest rate of 0.1 percent, sources say.

The BOJ board may also consider easing monetary policy further if it is convinced that the disaster could sharply delay the economy's return to a moderate recovery, although the dominant market view is for the BOJ to stand pat at least until the following review, due on April 28. The government last month estimated direct damage from the quake and tsunami at as much as $310 billion, making it the world's costliest natural disaster. But the estimate does not take into account the effect of power blackouts on factory output and business sentiment, which Hirano says could weigh on Japan's economy for several years and nudge it into a contraction in the financial year that began on April 1. «The biggest problem is shortage of power supply. Factory output will slump in the near term. But the long-term pain will be felt more by the service sector, which consumes a lot of electricity,» said Hirano, who is now executive vice president of Toyota Financial Services, the financial arm of Toyota Motor Corp


Бывший зам.министра финансов Японии, господин Сакакибара, выступая в Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan, выразил обеспокоенность, что из-за ядерного кризиса, курс иены может ослабнуть против основных валют.Учитывая, что совместная валютная интервенция переломила общую тенденцию японской валюты и принимая во внимание риски ухода капитала из Японии, господин Сакакибара не исключает, что курс иены будет падать и дальше и в течение нескольких месяцев, может ослабнуть до 90 иен за доллар.По крайне мере, сам господин Сакакибара, не будет удивлен, если это произойдет довольно быстро.

TOKYO, April 4 (Reuters) — The yen will continue to weaken for the next few months, possibly falling beyond 90 yen to the dollar, former Japanese currency policy chief Eisuke Sakakibara said on Monday. «I would not be surprised if the dollar/yen exceeds 90,» said Sakakibara, who was known as Mr Yen in the 1990s as he spearheaded Japan's intervention to stem the yen's rise when he served as vice minister for international affairs at the finance ministry. Sakakibara also told reporters at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan that foreign money leaving the country in the wake of a massive earthquake and subsequent nuclear crisis was a cause for concern.


(Reuters) – На почве инфляционных опасений серебро достигло сегодня максимального уровня с начала 1980-х гг., а ТИФ-активы поднялись к новой рекордной отметке. В то же время, золото отметило понижение на фоне начавшегося на этой неделе снижения евро против доллара после пятимесячного максимума.

По материалам Reuters: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/04/05/businesspro-us-markets-precious-idUSTRE72C3Z120110405


Ставка доходности по полугодовым векселям Казначейства США, упала до рекордного минимума в 0.1099%.В последний раз, так дорого продавали краткосрочные векселя в ноябре 2009 года.Падение ставки доходности, вызвано обилием избыточной ликвидности у банков и фондов денежного рынка, что наложилось на дефицит предложения краткосрочных бумаг.Учитывая, что бюджетный закон на нынешний финансовый год, еще не утвержден Конгрессом, Минфин сокращает предложение долговых бумаг, что провоцирует искусственный дефицит и рост цен.Катализатором данного процесса, стали действия Минфина, которы начиная с февраля сократил выпуск векселей, в рамках программы Supplementary Financing Program, которая предназначалась для совместных операций с ФРС.

April 4 (Bloomberg) — Six-month bill rates declined to a record low as the Treasury reduces sales of short-term securities while the Obama administration and Congress wrangle over budget cuts and raising the U.S. debt limit. The rate dropped as low as three basis points, or 0.03 percent to 0.1099 percent in New York, according to Bloomberg Bond Trader data. The prior record low of 0.1109 percent was set in November 2009.

Treasury also auctioned three- and six-month bills today at the lowest rates since January 2010. The U.S. will reach its legal debt limit no later than May 16 unless Congress acts before then, and emergency measures may provide extra borrowing room to last only until about July 8, Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner said today.

Since February, the Treasury has cut by $195 billion the amount of outstanding Supplementary Financing Program bills, or SFPs, it sells on behalf of the Federal Reserve in a program set up in 2008 amid efforts to prop up the financial system. “It’s created a log-jam at the front end of the yield curve,” said Ward McCarthy, chief financial economist at Jefferies & Co. Inc. in New York, one of the 20 primary dealers that trade with the Fed. “It exacerbated what was already a bit of a collateral squeeze at the front end.” The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. adjustment of insurance fees, effective April 1, to broaden the base to banks’ liabilities rather than domestic deposits has also increased demand for bills, McCarthy said. Government Shutdown Democratic and Republican leaders are negotiating a proposal to slash $33 billion in 2011 spending and keep the government operating through September. Congress must agree on spending for this fiscal year or risk a government shutdown when current spending authority ends April 8.

The Treasury auctioned $32 billion of three-month bills today at a rate of 0.05 percent and $30 billion of six-month bills at 0.13 percent. The rates at both sales were the lowest since Jan. 11, 2010. The reduction in the SFP has made Treasury bills more expensive in both regular trading and the repurchase-agreement, or repo, market. The program has $5 billion of notes still outstanding. The FDIC intends to shifting the burden for depositor protection to larger lenders whose reliance on riskier funding may pose greater threats to the financial system.

Оценка стоимости избирательной кампании в США на 2011-2012 гг. в сравнении с предыдущими годами

БЛЮМ-БУМ ЗА ДЕНЬ :: Дэннис Гартман перестал делать ставку на падение евро против доллара и франка


NEW YORK, April 4 (Reuters) — Fitch on Monday upgraded Brazil's credit ratings by one notch, saying the country's potential economic growth has increased while the new government of Dilma Rousseff has showed greater fiscal restraint.

Fitch raised Brazil's foreign- and local-currency issuer ratings toBBB from BBB-minus. It was the first among the big-three ratings agencies to upgrade the country to the second lowest level of investment grade. Moody's has also said it may upgrade Brazil before summer, while Standard & Poor's still has the country's at BBB-minus with a stable outlook.


April 4 (Reuters) - Following is a who's who of policymakers on the ECB's Governing Council, which sets policy and decides on interest rates for the countries using the single currency. The Governing Council consists of the six Executive Board members, plus national central bank governors from each of the 17 euro zone countries. The six Executive Board members are appointed by EU leaders and are responsible for the day-to-day running of the Eurosystem.


JEAN-CLAUDE TRICHET Born: Dec. 20, 1942, Lyon, France In office since: Nov. 1, 2003 Term ends: Oct. 31, 2011 Title: President Responsibilities on Executive Board: communications, internal audit, secretariat and language services. Background: As Bank of France Governor (1993 to 2003), Trichet pressed for government budget discipline, fending off politicians and top businessmen used to bossing the central bank around. He also copied the German Bundesbank's anti-inflation policies. This won him market respect and brought credibility to the French currency, earning Trichet the nickname "Ayatollah of the strong franc". Trichet studied civil engineering and holds a master's degree in economics. He followed a traditional political career after attending the elite Ecole Nationale d'Administration (ENA) which has trained generations of French presidents, ministers and civil service mandarins. He rose to head the French Treasury in 1987 before becoming Bank of France governor in September 1993. Trichet gathered experience as an international financial policymaker during those years, holding posts at the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the Paris Club that coordinates sovereign debt restructuring.

VITOR CONSTANCIO Born: Oct. 12, 1943 In office since: June 1, 2010 Term ends: May 31, 2016 Title: Vice President Responsibilities on Executive Board: financial stability and administration Background: Constancio headed the Bank of Portugal for 10 years before moving to the ECB, and developed a reputation as an inflation dove who often emphasised the need for economic growth. A qualified economist, he has a background in politics and started his public career as the budget secretary in the first provisional government after Portugal's leftist 1974 revolution, and briefly served as finance minister in 1978. Constancio then led the Socialist party in 1986-88. Constancio also has experience in the private sector. Before his Bank of Portugal appointment in 2000, he had held the post of executive director in Banco Portugues de Investimento, now known as Banco BPI — the country's third-largest listed bank. Constancio graduated from the prestigious Lisbon Technical University's Superior Economics and Management Institute.

JOSE MANUEL GONZALEZ-PARAMO Born: Aug. 9, 1959, Madrid, Spain In office since: June 1, 2004 Term ends: May 31, 2012 Title: Executive Board member Responsibilities on Executive Board: banknotes, research and market operations Background: Gonzalez-Paramo is a budgetary hawk with a reputation for economic orthodoxy and has strong academic credentials.Until joining the ECB he divided his time between the Bank of Spain, where he has been an executive board member since 1998, and the Complutense University, where he has been professor of public finance since 1988. Gonzalez-Paramo has a doctorate in economics from New York's Columbia University, where he was a Fulbright scholar.

LORENZO BINI SMAGHI Born: Nov. 29, 1956, Florence, Italy In office since: June 1, 2005 Term ends: May 31, 2013 Title: Executive Board member Responsibilities on Executive Board: international and European Relations, legal services and the new ECB premises. Bini Smaghi was seen as a pragmatist when he succeeded fellow Italian Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa in 2005. An easy communicator, he has a more approachable manner than is normal for central bankers and is well known to Italian journalists. Bini Smaghi has a doctorate in economics from the University of Chicago and worked at the ECB in 1998 as deputy director general for research. Before that he spent four years at the European Monetary Institute, the ECB's forerunner. There he was in charge of preparing the ECB's bank supervision, payment systems and market intervention arrangements. From 1998 to 2005 he worked at Italy's finance ministry, where he was the deputy for the Group of Seven industrial nations and the vice president of a committee which prepares the agenda for monthly meetings of euro zone finance ministers.

GERTRUDE TUMPEL-GUGERELL Born: Nov. 11, 1952, Kapelln, Austria In office since: June 1, 2003 Term ends: May 31, 2011 Title: Executive Board member Responsibilities on Executive Board: Human resources, budget and organisation, payment systems and market infrastructure. Background: Tumpel-Gugerell is a career central banker, who joined the Austrian central bank in 1975, while also spending stints at the IMF and as a government adviser. She holds a doctorate in economics and social sciences from the University of Vienna. She became vice governor of the Austrian central bank in 1998. At the ECB she has been a passionate advocate of integrating the European payment and financial systems.

JUERGEN STARK Born: May 31, 1948, in Gau-Odernheim, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. In office since: June 1, 2006 Term ends: May 31, 2014 Title: Executive Board member Responsibilities: economics, information systems and statistics Background: A forceful advocate of following Maastricht Treaty rules, he argues for budget discipline and strict adherence to price stability. He is viewed as an inflation hardliner who helps keep the Bundesbank monetarist tradition alive at the ECB. Named Bundesbank vice president in 1998, he has broad experience in international issues working as its advance man for G7 meetings, works on the EU's economic and finance committee and sits on the ECB's international relations committee.He also sits on the Financial Stability Forum, which monitors global financial risks. Stark has a doctorate in economics and joined the German economics ministry in 1978 and then the finance ministry before he became a central banker.


AUSTRIA Ewald Nowotny,Governor, Austrian central bank Born: June 28, 1944, Vienna, Austria In office since: Sept. 1, 2008 Term ends: Aug. 31, 2013

BELGIUM Luc Coene, Governor, National Bank of Belgium Born: March 11, 1947, Ghent, Belgium In office since: April 1, 2011 Term ends: March 2016 (renewable without limit) CYPRUS Athanasios Orphanides, Governor, Central Bank of Cyprus Born: March 22, 1962, Brno, Czech Republic In office since: May 2, 2007 Term ends: May 2012

ESTONIA Andres Lipstok, Governor, Bank of Estonia Born: Feb. 6, 1957, Haapsalu, Estonia In office since: June 7, 2005 Term ends: June 6, 2012 (Non-renewable)

FINLANDErkki Liikanen, Governor, Bank of Finland Born: Sept. 19, 1950, Mikkeli, Finland In office since: July 12, 2004 Term ends: July 2018 FRANCE Christian Noyer, Governor, Bank of France Born: Oct. 6, 1950, Soisy, France In office from: Nov. 1, 2003 Term ends: Oct. 31, 2015

GERMANY Axel Weber, President, Deutsche Bundesbank Born: March 8, 1957 In office since: April 30, 2004 Term ends: He has said he would step down at the end of April 2011

GREECE George Provopoulos, Governor, Bank of Greece Born: April 20, 1950, Piraeus, Greece In office since: June 20, 2008 Term ends: June 2014 IRELAND Patrick Honohan, Governor, Central Bank of Ireland Born: Oct. 9 1949, Ireland In office since: Sept. 26, 2009 Term expires: Sept. 25, 2016

ITALYMario Draghi, Governor, Bank of Italy Born: Sept. 3, 1947, Rome In office since: Jan. 16, 2006 Term expires: 2012 (six-year term, renewable)

LUXEMBOURG Yves Mersch, Governor, Central bank of Luxembourg Born: Oct. 1, 1949, Luxembourg City In office since: June 1, 1998 Term expires: May 31, 2016 (renewable with no limit) MALTA Michael Bonello, Governor, Central bank of Malta Born: 17 July 1945, Malta In office since: Oct. 1, 1999 Term expires: Sept. 30, 2013

THE NETHERLANDS Nout Wellink, President, Dutch central bank Born: Aug. 27, 1943, Bredevoort, Netherlands In office since: July 1, 1997 Term expires: June 30, 2011

PORTUGAL Carlos Costa, Governor, Bank of Portugal Born: Nov. 3, 1949 In office since: June 1, 2010 Term expires: May 31, 2015 (renewable five-year terms)

SLOVAKIA Jozef Makuch, Governor, National Bank of Slovakia Born: Aug. 26, 1953 In office since: Jan. 12, 2010 Term expires: Jan. 11, 2015

SLOVENIA Marko Kranjec, Governor, Bank of Slovenia Born: April 12, 1940 In office since: June 16, 2007 Term expires: June 15, 2013

SPAIN Miguel Angel Fernandez Ordonez, Governor, Bank of Spain Born: April 3, 1945, Madrid In office since: July 13, 2006 Term expires: July 2012 (non-renewable)

Уверенность потребителей в Испании упала в марте

БЛЮМ-БУМ ЗА ДЕНЬ :: Дэннис Гартман перестал делать ставку на падение евро против доллара и франка

Глава Международного Энергетического Агентства говорит:Если цены на нефть останутся выше $ 100 за баррель,это будет ударом для мировой экономики

Примерно в этом духе высказался исполнительный директор International Energy Agency, господин Nobuo Tanak.Его мысли можно сформулировать так.Если цены на нефть, останутся столь же высокими (свыше 100 долларов) оставшуюся часть года, то это будет негативно влиять на мировоую экономику, чем нефтяной навес, в 2008 году.

April 4 (Bloomberg) — If crude prices remain above $100 a barrel for the rest of this year then the “oil burden” will be as bad as 2008, the International Energy Agency’s Executive Director Nobuo Tanak said. Saudi Arabia has produced more than its quota since the end of last year, Tanaka said today in Paris. He said European refiners haven’t sought additional crude.

Банк Morgan Stanley рекомендует покупать долгосрочные долговые бумаги правительства Ирландии

Такие рекомендации для клиентов, делает Elga Bartsch, ведущий экономист Morgan Stanley & Co International по Европе.Рекомендации основаны на идее удачных стресс-тестов ирландских банков и рассчета на стабилизацию финансовой системы страны в долгосрочной перспективе.

April 4 (Bloomberg) — Morgan Stanley & Co International said investors should buy Irish sovereign risk, with a preference for longer-dated cash government bonds. “We view the Irish bank stress test results released last week as credible and likely to increase the focus on Ireland’s positive underlying economic trajectory,” Morgan Stanley economists led by chief European economist Elga Bartsch said in a note to investors published today. “Current sovereign pricing reflects hitherto justifiable concerns over Ireland’s medium-term debt sustainability.” “However, we believe that Irish sovereign debt will stabilize at around 120 percent of GDP by 2013 and decline gradually thereafter,” the note said.

Муниципальные власти Пекина,обязали иностранные компании,повысить зарплату работникам на 50% сверх минимальной нормы оплаты труда

Минимальный уровень оплаты труда в Китае растет, в частности в Пекине, этот уровень повышен до 1160 юаней.Власти Пекина фактически обязали иностранные копмании, работающие в городе, платить работникам на 50% больше, чем минимальная оплата труда.

April 4 (Bloomberg) — The Beijing government asked overseas companies with employees in the city to pay 50 percent more than the minimum wage to local workers, Xinhua news agency reported today, citing the Chinese capital’s federation of trade unions. Beijing’s minimum monthly wage was raised to 1,160 yuan from 960 yuan on Jan. 1.

Доходность по 10-летним бумагам Германии достигла 15-месячного максимума

БЛЮМ-БУМ ЗА ДЕНЬ :: Дэннис Гартман перестал делать ставку на падение евро против доллара и франка


Падение спроса в марте составило 2.6%, об этом сообщает агентство Reuters основываясь на информации от японской Electric Power System Council.Это первое падение спроса на электроэнергию за 16 месяцев.Учитывая, что почти 70% мощностей японских предприятий упали после землетрясения, это падение спроса выглядит логично.Неожиданность только в том, что масштабы падения спроса, оказались столь существенными.

TOKYO, April 4 (Reuters) — Japan's power demand fell 2.6 percent in March from a year earlier, Reuters calculations based on industry data from the Electric Power System Council of Japan showed on Monday, marking the first decline in 16 months. The Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan is due to release closely watched preliminary data later this month for power generation and fuel usage by Japan's 10 power utilities for March.


БЛЮМ-БУМ ЗА ДЕНЬ :: Дэннис Гартман перестал делать ставку на падение евро против доллара и франка


БЛЮМ-БУМ ЗА ДЕНЬ :: Дэннис Гартман перестал делать ставку на падение евро против доллара и франка

БЛЮМ-БУМ ЗА ДЕНЬ :: Дэннис Гартман перестал делать ставку на падение евро против доллара и франка

БЛЮМ-БУМ ЗА ДЕНЬ :: Дэннис Гартман перестал делать ставку на падение евро против доллара и франка
БЛЮМ-БУМ ЗА ДЕНЬ :: Дэннис Гартман перестал делать ставку на падение евро против доллара и франка


Об этом говорится в сообщении от Umetal.com, консалтингового подразделения китайской металлургической корпорации Umetal, второго по величине в Китае, покупателя лома.Все производители стали и скупщики металлолома, прекратили операции с японскими контрагентами, из-за опасений, что в ломе может содержаться недопустимый уровень радиационного излучения.

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