ОБЗОР :: Технический дефолт по госдолгу США становится все более реальным ? » Элитный трейдер
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ОБЗОР :: Технический дефолт по госдолгу США становится все более реальным ?

Все большее число республиканцев считает, что технический дефолт не ввергнет страну в хаос и поддерживают эту идею, что перекликается с заявлениями легендарного инвестора Стэна Друкенмиллера. По их мнению, это приведет к немедленному принятию их предложений по сокращению затрат, чего они добиваются на переговорах с демократами
9 июня 2011 Zero Hedge
Все большее число республиканцев считает, что технический дефолт не ввергнет страну в хаос и поддерживают эту идею, что перекликается с заявлениями легендарного инвестора Стэна Друкенмиллера. По их мнению, это приведет к немедленному принятию их предложений по сокращению затрат, чего они добиваются на переговорах с демократами

An increasing number of Republicans do not believe the Obama administration's dire predictions of economic "catastrophe" if the debt limit is not increased. They argue a period of technical default can be managed without plunging markets into chaos.

Establishment Republicans including Tim Pawlenty, the former Minnesota governor who announced his presidential candidacy last month, are backing a short-term default if it leads to deep, immediate spending cuts.

Jeff Sessions and Paul Ryan, the top Republicans on the Senate and House Budget Committees, have also said failure to raise the debt limit would not trigger immediate catastrophe.

Republican Senator Pat Toomey has even introduced legislation directing the Treasury to prioritize debt service over other payments if the debt limit is not raised. It has 22 Republican co-sponsors in the Senate and 98 in the House of Representatives, although no members of the Republican leadership have backed it.

David Frum, a former speechwriter for President George W. Bush and a Republican advocate for raising the debt limit, said he holds regular question-and-answer sessions with Republican congressman over a beer.

"I have yet to meet one Republican who actually says a failure to raise the debt limit scares them," Frum said. "It is deeply, deeply troubling the number of Republicans I now talk to -- and I include the mainstream -- who think a technical default is manageable.

Many on Wall Street disagree. They fear even the briefest default would cause a steep climb in interest rates worldwide and a tumbling dollar, which would tip a fragile economy back into recession and cause financial market upheaval on a scale not seen since the collapse of Lehman Bros.

Fueling skepticism over this outcome is an argument made last month by legendary investor Stan Druckenmiller, a one-time ally of George Soros, who said he would favor a short-term default if in exchange lawmakers in Washington struck a deal for massive spending cuts and a medium-term plan to tackle the $1.4 trillion deficit.

"That had a lot of impact on Republicans," said Vin Weber, a veteran Republican strategist and party moderate. He said the idea that a short-term default would not be a problem "is definitely becoming a mainstream belief."

Удивительное совпадение, но одновременно с этой статьей последовала статья о реакции Китая на такую перспективу

Li Daokui, советник ЦБ Китая заявил, что республиканцы играют с огнем, рассматривая возможность даже краткосрочного дефолта. Результат будет очень серьезный, и я надеюсь, что они остановятся

The idea of a technical default -- essentially delaying interest payments for a few days -- has gained backing from a growing number of mainstream Republicans who see it as a price worth paying if it forces the White House to slash spending, Reuters reported on Tuesday.

But any form of default could destabilize the global economy and sour already tense relations with big U.S. creditors such as China, government officials and investors warn.

Li Daokui, an adviser to the People's Bank of China, said a default could undermine the U.S. dollar, and Beijing needed to dissuade Washington from pursuing this course of action.

"I think there is a risk that the U.S. debt default may happen," Li told reporters on the sidelines of a forum in Beijing. "The result will be very serious and I really hope that they would stop playing with fire."

China is the largest foreign creditor to the United States, holding more than $1 trillion in Treasury debt as of March, U.S. data shows, so its concerns carry considerable weight in Washington.

"I really worry about the risks of a U.S. debt default, which I think may lead to a decline in the dollar's value," Li said.

Последствия даже технического дефолта будут очень серьезными

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner says failure to increase the debt limit by August 2 will lead to a crisis in the markets that could plunge the back into recession.

Priya Misra, head of rates research at Bank of America-Merrill Lynch, said $25.6 billion in Treasury interest payments due on August 15 could be in jeopardy if the August 2 deadline is not met.

If the United States defaults, money market mutual funds that invest in short-term government bills, considered one of the most secure investments, could "break the buck" by falling below $1 a share, Misra said.

Priya Misra из BofA предупреждает, что в случае дефолта не будут выплачены 25,6 млрд. долларов процентных платежей Казначейства и это нанесет серьезный удар по фондам денежного рынка и «сломает бакс».

ОПЕК не пришел к согласию по поводу увеличения добычи нефти

Внезапный разворот на российском рынке по-видимому связан с новостями с заседания ОПЕК. Вкратце: секретарь ОПЕК сообщает о том, что страны ОПЕК не в состоянии достичь консенсуса по увеличению добычи. Требуется три месяца, чтобы оценить ситуацию

•OPEC secretary general says OPEC unable to reach consensus to boost production
•OPEC delegate says OPEC has no consensus for agreement
•OPEC president says some in OPEC believed should have had production increase, other said more time needed to asses
•OPEC president says final proposal was to wait for about three months to asses situation
•OPEC president says final proposal was to wait for about three months to asses situation
•OPEC president says Status-Quo outcome unwelcomed by some members
•OPEC president says effective OPEC decision is a roll-over

Недавно была запись о том, что в ближайшем будущем можно ожидать дефицита нефти. Добыча нефти достигла пика?

Goldman Sachs: оптимизм относительно QE3 чрезмерен

Главный мировой финансовый игрок Goldman Sachs выпустил еще несколько комментариев рынка – «наводок»

На мой взгляд они из разряда тех, к которым может быть не стоит прислушиваться, или даже сделать наоборот

Part of the reason for speculating that QE3 optimism is excessive is that many investors believe that equity markets have been strangely resilient. We have ourselves pointed out that US equity indices have been vulnerable to the growth downgrade that their own rotations out of cyclical sectors imply, and some of that “gap” has recently closed. But it is also true that the current pattern of asset markets is broadly consistent with the way mid-cycle slowdowns are often priced. Cyclical assets underperform broad equity indices, bonds rally as the market adjusts its views of policy and that dynamic in turn partially cushions the hit to risk assets overall. As Themos Fiotakis described in a recent Daily, a weakening dollar is not uncommon in an environment where the global cycle is showing positive but declining growth. So the critical question again comes back to how persistent and how significant the underlying growth slowdown turns out to be. Amid all this is a reminder that the simplest US slowdown trade – mid-cycle or otherwise – is generally to be long US fixed income.

Оптимизм относительно QE3 чрезмерен.

Американские фондовые индексы уязвимы к уменьшению темпов роста.

Слабый доллар не является чем-то необычным в ситуации, когда глобальный цикл проявляет позитивный характер, и темпы роста при этом снижаются (Нетривиальное рассуждение ?!)

Критический вопрос – насколько постоянным и существенным окажется текущий цикл замедления роста.

А вот то самое важное , что хотел сказать GS: Среди этого всего напоминание, что простейший трейд на замедлении экономики США – в середине цикла или в другой момент – в большинстве случаев это лонг по активам с фиксированной доходностью (читай: покупай US Treasuries).

Голдман явно пытается подыграть Казначейству и Феду: сейчас как никогда важно сохранить низкими доходности по UST.

И по поводу развивающихся рынков:

While the market has been quick to price easier policy in the US in response to the growth slowdown, it has been slower to relax about EM tightening risk. At one level, that makes sense given tighter capacity and more intense inflation pressures in many of the large EM markets. But we think a US slowdown – up to a point at least – is probably more helpful to EM than to DM markets. This is simply the reverse of our argument in late 2010 that an accelerating US recovery would add to EM policy dilemmas by pushing commodity prices higher and providing a tailwind to local demand. While persistently slower US growth would be more troubling for the large developed economies that are still trying to make inroads into spare capacity, it would also create more “room” for EM economies to grow without hitting global constraints so hard. That was the rationale for our long EM Top Trade recommendation in April. The timing of our shift has clearly been premature. But we are less puzzled that EM equities have been outperforming again recently in this environment than we were by their underperformance in the first half of May. Our latest tactical FX trade recommendation to be short MXN/CLP, based on Robin Brooks’ and Alberto Ramos’s recent work on cyclical momentum in Latam, has a similar flavour.

One potential lesson of the last few months is that the global economy finds itself in uncomfortable places when US growth accelerates alongside robust growth in other parts of the world. Our latest round of forecast revisions in May were to a large extent about acknowledging that the energy constraint is more binding than we expected going into the year. The silver lining of a US slowdown could thus be that it takes the sharpest edge off some of the commodity-related inflation worries. Our own new forecasts look for higher commodity prices over the coming 18 months, but not for the kind of rapid acceleration that we started to see in the first quarter of this year in energy markets. Those forecast revisions do reinforce our preference for commodity exposures – having taken a break in April and early May – and Jeff Currie and team added fresh long recommendations in oil, copper and zinc two weeks ago. With that shift and an expectation of more USD weakness, we added a short $/NOK Top Trade recommendation (our eighth) at the same time, which is off to a good start.

Замедление США более полезно для развивающихся рынков, чем для развитых.

Будучи настроены по-бычьи относительно US Treasuries, GS настроен позитивно и по отношению к сырьевым товарам. Рекомендация очень обтекаемая, но в целом GS как бы подтверждает рекомендацию, данную две недели назад: лонг в нефти, меди и цинке.

С этими рекомендациями ИМХО стоит быть поосторожнее

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