7 марта 2011 Bloomberg
Великобритания рискует оказаться в новом экономическом кризисе, если не будут проведены фундаментальные реформы банковского сектора, заявил глава Банка Англии Мервин Кинг в интервью газете The Telegraph
Кинг, который редко дает интервью, выразил мнение, что культивирование банками получения краткосрочной прибыли и бонусов за счет «рутинного использования» миллионов клиентов в конечном счете обернется серьезными проблемами.
На вопрос корреспондента газеты о вероятном повторении финансового кризиса в Великобритании, Кинг ответил: «Да. Проблема по-прежнему существует. Ведется поиск по выходу из ситуации».
По словам главы Банка Англии, в настоящее время в стране наблюдается дисбаланс в банковской системе, который начинает вновь расти, когда банки нацелены лишь на краткосрочную прибыль. Как отметил Кинг, это стремление банкиров стало настоящей «культурной проблемой» в экономике страны — в отличие от финсектора предприятия «традиционных отраслей промышленности» ведут свой бизнес «более морально».
В частности, по мнению Кинга, частью «культурной проблемы» банков стала практика выплаты банковским сотрудникам бонусов.
Глава Банка Англии в декабре прошлого года принял решение отказаться на два года от повышения зарплат сотрудникам регулятора на фоне принимаемых в стране мер по сокращению госрасходов. Эксперты считают, что жесткие меры экономии, осуществляемые во многих странах Европы, являются необходимым условием для восстановления доверия к экономикам региона и, как следствие, повышения темпов экономического роста.
Вместе с тем, замораживание зарплат может привести к утечке ценных кадров из Банка Англии, полагают некоторые аналитики.
Банк Англии выполняет функции центрального банка Великобритании и отвечает за политику кредитно-финансовой политики страны
Цены на хлопок обноволи новый рекорд, достигнув уровня в $2.1970 (за фунт) в ходе электронных торгов в Нью-Йорке.
March 7 (Bloomberg) — Cotton surged the daily limit to a record in New York on signs that demand is exceeding supplies before new harvests later this year. May-delivery cotton rose 7 cents, or 3.3 percent, to the all-time high of $2.1970 a pound by 11:09 a.m. London time on ICE Futures U.S. in New York. The March contract last traded at $2.27, or 3.32 cents more than the May futures, signaling limited supplies.
This year’s cotton crop in the U.S., the biggest exporter, won’t be available until after August. “Recent price gains have been for the nearby contracts from March to July, so supplies of the old crop are extremely tight,” said Han Sung Min, a broker at Korea Exchange Bank Futures Co. in Seoul. “The market has been driven by fundamentals, not technical factors.” U.S. sales surged 56 percent from a week earlier to 403,341 bales in the week ended Feb. 24 as shipments increased to China, Turkey and Bangladesh, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said March 3.
China aims to boost output by 13.9 percent to 6.8 million metric tons this year, according to a government report issued at the meeting of the National People’s Congress in Beijing on March 5. Production fell 6.3 percent to 5.97 million tons last year, the National Bureau of Statistics said Feb. 28. Best Performer Cotton futures, which have more than doubled in the past year, are the best performer among the 19 commodities on the Thomson Reuters/Jefferies CRB Index. China’s January imports jumped 31 percent from a year ago to 390,720 tons, the customs agency said last month. China is the biggest consumer and producer of cotton. The U.S. is forecast to be the top exporter in 2010-2011, followed by India, Uzbekistan, Australia and Brazil, according to the USDA.
Правительство России намерено создать специальный фонд стоимостью в $ 10 млрд., для совместных инвестициях с ведущими международными фондами прямых инвестиций и в целях привлечения иностранного капитала в страну.Правительство обратилось за поомщью к банку Goldman Sachs, с просбой неофициально руководить этим проектом.Отдельно Россия также создает Комитета для консультирования, возглавляемый президентом России, чтобы форсировать превращение Москвы в международный финансовый центр. В Комитет будут включены: представитель банка Goldman Sachs, господин Ллойд Бланкфейн, основатель фонда Blackstone, господин Стив Шварцман, глава JPMorgan Chase, господин Джейми Даймон, и господин Брайан Мойнихан из Банка Америки, а также представители BNP Paribas и UniCredit
The Russian government is setting up a $10bn fund to co-invest with leading international private equity firms in an effort to attract foreign capital to the country, and has asked Goldman Sachs informally to guide the project, according to people familiar with the matter. Separately, Russia is also creating a committee to advise Dmitry Medvedev, Russian president, on transforming Moscow into an international financial centre. Members will include Goldman’s chief executive Lloyd Blankfein, Blackstone’s founder Steve Schwarzman, Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase and Brian Moynihan of Bank of America, as well as representatives from BNP Paribas and UniCredit among others.
The $10bn fund initiative comes directly from Mr Medvedev, these people add. The firms that have been approached include Apollo Management, Blackstone and Carlyle among others, and each is considering its response. The Russians have also reached out to Middle East sovereign wealth funds. So far, most private equity firms have regarded Russia with extreme caution.
Carlyle established investment teams there twice in the last decade and then disbanded them. At a Berlin conference on March 1, co-founder David Rubenstein said the returns to be made in Russia were not commensurate with the risks. “It is relatively less attractive than the other Bric countries,” he said. While there is no deadline, government officials are expected to meet Vladimir Putin, prime minister, at the end of this month to launch the initiative, with the capital likely to be committed over time. A spokesman for Russia’s first deputy prime minister Igor Shuvalov confirmed that discussions on creating such a fund were under way with officials. But he declined to comment on any of the details. Goldman also declined to comment. The Russian effort comes as scepticism about the rule of law, business practices and corruption remains widespread among western investors. Russian officials plan to sell government assets at what they say will be attractive prices.
Минздрав Японии временно приоастановил использование детской вакцины от производителей Pfizer Inc. и Sanofi- Aventis SA, так как были зафксированы четыре смертельных случая после прививок этими препаратами.Вакцины помогают детям от менингита и пневмонии, эти препараты делает американский Pfizer Inc., а французская компания Sanofi- Aventis SA делает вакцины (ActHIB) от гемофильной инфекции типа «b».Вот после использования именно данных препаратов и были отмечены несколько смертельных случаев.По крайне мере Минздрав Японии, имеет основания предполгать, что виновниками этих летальных случаев, стало применение вакцин от вышеназванных производителей.Запрет пока вводится до завтрашнего дня, и после расследования будет принято решение о том, запрещать окончательно или смертельные случаи связаны с неправильным применением препаратов.Кстати сказать, французский препарат «ActHIB» уже использовали около 1.500 миллионов японских детей, с тех пор, как вакцина была одобрена Минздравом в 2007 году.
March 7 (Bloomberg) — Japan’s health ministry suspended the use of pediatric vaccines made by Pfizer Inc. and Sanofi- Aventis SA after reports of four deaths following immunizations. The use of Pfizer’s Prevenar, to protect children against meningitis and pneumonia, and Sanofi’s ActHIB, to fight Haemophilus influenzae type b, will be suspended until at least tomorrow, when a safety panel will meet to discuss the cause of the deaths, the ministry said in a March 4 website posting. The temporary suspension is a precautionary measure following the deaths of four children who had previously been immunized simultaneously with several pediatric vaccines, said Victor Carey, the Sydney-based Asia Pacific medical director for Sanofi’s vaccines unit. About 1.5 million Japanese children have received ActHIB since it was approved in Japan in 2007, 15 years after it was first licensed in Europe, he said.
“No causal relationship has been established between immunization and these fatalities, but an investigation is under way, which we’re fully cooperating with,” Carey said in a telephone interview. Haemophilus influenzae type b, or Hib, caused 2 million to 3 million cases of serious disease, notably pneumonia and meningitis, and 386,000 deaths in young children in 2000, according to the Geneva-based World Health Organization. More than 200 million doses of ActHIB have been given to children in more than 120 countries, according to Paris-based Sanofi. Multiple Vaccines The deaths of the children in Japan occurred from March 2 to March 4, the ministry said. ActHIB was given to three of the four children, who were simultaneously vaccinated with at least one other vaccine from a different manufacturer, Carey said.
Pfizer’s Prevenar is a so-called pneumococcal conjugate vaccine that aims to prevent invasive disease caused by serotypes of the Streptococcus pneumoniae bacterium. The vaccine that protects against 13 serotypes generated $2.42 billion last year and a shot that fights seven serotypes had $1.25 billion in 2010 sales, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Surveillance in North America and Europe, where Prevenar has been used for at least a decade, hasn’t identified any major safety concerns, the WHO said in a 2007 report.
Evidence suggests pneumococcal conjugate vaccines will have a “considerable impact on pneumococcal disease and overall infant mortality,” the United Nations health agency said. Victoria Davis, a Pfizer spokeswoman, declined to comment specifically on the deaths in Japan. “Pfizer thoroughly reviews and continually monitors all of its medicines and vaccines as safety is our top priority,” the New York-based drugmaker said in an e-mailed statement. “The company thoroughly evaluates all reported cases and works closely with health authorities to determine if there is any association with use of our medicines and vaccines.”
США могут начать использовать стратегический запас нефти
Об этом вчера заявил представитель администрации президента США Билл Дэйли. Такое решение может быть принято в связи опасениями, что цена на нефть в районе 104 доллара за баррель может помешать восстановлению экономики США. Вместе с тем, чиновник заявил, что цена на нефть не будет единственным фактором при принятии такого решения.
Стратегический запас США составляет 727 млн. баррелей и является крупнейшим в мире. Он был создан после возникновения дефицита нефти в 1973-1974г., явившегося следствием конфликта, известного как война «Йом Кипур». В последние годы нефтяной стратегический резерв использовался дважды — во время войны в Ираке и в 2005 году после тайфуна «Катрина».
Citigroup повысил прогноз по ценам на Brent crude до 105 долл за барель с 90 долл на 2011 г и до 100 долл с 90 долл на 2012
Стратеги банка, в своем многостраничном исследовании, указывают на 4 так называемых «Известно неизвестных» момента, которые могут приводить к росту премии за страх, между сортами американской и европейской нефти.
— How much supply is at risk? — In our note Global Oil & Gas – Navigating the MENA Region, 28 February, we categorised 3.3Mbd of MENA exports as vulnerable but don’t completely discount the risk of more significant volumes being affected
– What is the market’s ability to respond to capacity outage? — Spare capacity is concentrated in a few hands within OPEC and its supply relies on Saudi Arabia’s ability to respond effectively
– What is the impact on global oil demand? — Energy intensity per unit of GDP is lower than at any time in history, arguing that each unit of demand is therefore less price sensitive and at least as difficult to ration out as it was in 2008
. – What impact does MENA change have on the long-term oil outlook? — Geological attractiveness and nations’ dependence on oil revenue does not change with government, arguing that medium-term productive capacity is most probably undeterred. We are not changing long-term oil price assumptions but consider sensitivity to change in risk profile
Подробности можно найти по ссылкам: ftalphaville.ft.com/blog/2011/03/07/506161/the-big-four-known-unknowns-for-oil/
Рост экспорта вероятно в этом году замедлится.Стабилизация экспорта нивилируется ростом импорта.Сокращение положительного баланса от торговли, вероятно скажется на курсе валюты.Рост цен на сырье сократит долю экспорта в структуре ВВП.Импорт в этом году будет вероятно расти быстрее чем экспорта, и не исключен дефицит торгового баланса в этом случае.Рост стоимости рабочей силы, также будет оказывать влияние на экспорт.
Export Growth Likely To Slow This Year To Stabilize Exports, Increase Imports.
Cut Surplus This Year Export Growth Likely To Slow This Year Fluctuating Currencies.
Commodity Prices Pose Challenge To Exports Trade Surplus As Share Of GDP To Fall
This Year Imports Likely To Grow Faster Than Exports This Year Can't Rule Out Trade Deficit For A Few Months
This Year Higher Labor Costs Pose Challenge For Exports
Toyota Motor Corp, которая традиционно получает большинство своей прибыли в США, будет менять стратегию роста продаж, делая ставку на развивающиеся рынки.Корпорация приняла 10-летний план развития и японский автопроизводитель собирается уже на этой неделе опубликовать детали плана. Toyota также планирует сократить состав топ-менеджмента, в рамках крупнейшей перетряски системы управления, за восемь лет.Президент корпорации, господин Акио Тойода, представит «Global Vision 2020», план по развитию, уже 9 марта, чтобы помочь повысить продажи.
Почему Америка будет оставаться на вершине.Статья в "The Wall Street Journal"
Статья в The Wall Street Journal" посвященная ситуации в Америке, призвана дать ответ на вопрос, останется ли страна такой же сильной или нет.Статья так и озаглавлена " Why America Will Stay on Top" (Почему Америка будет оставаться на вершине) Для тех, кто ищет ответы эта статья моедт оказаться полезной.
Вот по этой ссылке опубликована статья: online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703559604576175881248268272.html
By BRIAN M. CARNEY London In his best-selling history of the 20th century, «Modern Times,» British historian Paul Johnson describes «a significant turning-point in American history: the first time the Great Republic, the richest nation on earth, came up against the limits of its financial resources.» Until the 1960s, he writes in a chapter titled «America's Suicide Attempt,» «public finance was run in all essentials on conventional lines»—that is to say, with budgets more or less in balance outside of exceptional circumstances. «The big change in principle came under Kennedy,» Mr. Johnson writes.
«In the autumn of 1962 the Administration committed itself to a new and radical principle of creating budgetary deficits even when there was no economic emergency.» Removing this constraint on government spending allowed Kennedy to introduce «a new concept of 'big government': the 'problem-eliminator.' Every area of human misery could be classified as a 'problem'; then the Federal government could be armed to 'eliminate' it.» Twenty-eight years after «Modern Times» first appeared, Mr. Johnson is perhaps the most eminent living British historian, and big government as problem-eliminator is back with a vengeance—along with trillion-dollar deficits as far as the eye can see. I visited the 82-year-old Mr. Johnson in his West London home this week to ask him whether America has once again set off down the path to self-destruction. Is he worried about America's future? «Of course I worry about America,» he says.
«The whole world depends on America ultimately, particularly Britain. And also, I love America—a marvelous country. But in a sense I don't worry about America because I think America has such huge strengths—particularly its freedom of thought and expression—that it's going to survive as a top nation for the foreseeable future. And therefore take care of the world.» Pessimists, he points out, have been predicting America's decline «since the 18th century.»
But whenever things are looking bad, America «suddenly produces these wonderful things—like the tea party movement. That's cheered me up no end. Because it's done more for women in politics than anything else—all the feminists? Nuts! It's brought a lot of very clever and quite young women into mainstream politics and got them elected. A very good little movement, that. I like it.» Then he deepens his voice for effect and adds: «And I like that lady—Sarah Palin. She's great. I like the cut of her jib.» The former governor of Alaska, he says, «is in the good tradition of America, which this awful political correctness business goes against.» Plus: «She's got courage. That's very important in politics.
You can have all the right ideas and the ability to express them. But if you haven't got guts, if you haven't got courage the way Margaret Thatcher had courage—and [Ronald] Reagan, come to think of it. Your last president had courage too—if you haven't got courage, all the other virtues are no good at all. It's the central virtue.» *** Mr. Johnson, decked out in a tweed jacket, green cardigan and velvet house slippers, speaks in full and lengthy paragraphs that manage to be at once well-formed and sprinkled with a healthy dose of free association. He has a full shock of white hair and a quick smile.
He has, he allows, gone a bit deaf, but his mind remains sharp and he continues to write prolifically. His main concession to age, he says, is «I don't write huge books any more. I used to write 1,000 printed pages, but now I write short books. I did one on Napoleon, 50,000 words—enjoyed doing that. He was a baddie. I did one on Churchill, which was a bestseller in New York, I'm glad to say. 50,000 words. He was a goodie.» He's also written short forthcoming biographies of Socrates (another «goodie») and Charles Darwin (an «interesting figure»). Mr. Johnson says he doesn't follow politics closely anymore, but he quickly warms to the subject of the Middle East. The rash of uprisings across the Arab world right now is «a very interesting phenomenon,» he says.
«It's something that we knew all about in Europe in the 19th century. First of all we had the French Revolution and its repercussions in places like Germany and so on. Then, much like this current phenomenon, in 1830 we had a series of revolutions in Europe which worked like a chain reaction. And then in 1848, on a much bigger scale—that was known as the year of revolutions.» In 1848, he explains, «Practically every country in Europe, except England of course... had a revolution and overthrew the government, at any rate for a time. So that is something which historically is well-attested and the same thing has happened here in the Middle East.» Here he injects a note of caution: «But I notice it's much more likely that a so-called dictatorship will be overthrown if it's not a real dictatorship. The one in Tunisia wasn't very much. Mubarak didn't run a real dictatorship [in Egypt].
Real dictatorships in that part of the world,» such as Libya, are a different story. As for Moammar Gadhafi, «We'll see if he goes or not. I think he's a real baddie, so we hope he will.» The Syrian regime, he adds, «not so long ago in Hama... killed 33,000 people because they rose up.» Then, «above all,» there is Iran. «If we can get rid of that horrible regime in Iran,» he says, «that will be a major triumph for the world.» Frank judgments like these are a hallmark of Mr. Johnson's work, delivered with almost child-like glee. Of Mahatma Gandhi, he wrote in «Modern Times»: «About the Gandhi phenomenon there was always a strong aroma of twentieth-century humbug.» Socrates is much more to Mr. Johnson's liking. Whereas, in Mr. Johnson's telling, Gandhi led hundreds of thousands to death by stirring up civil unrest in India, all the while maintaining a pretense of nonviolence, Socrates «thought people mattered more than ideas.... He loved people, and his ideas came from people, and he thought ideas existed for the benefit of people,» not the other way around. In the popular imagination, Socrates may be the first deep thinker in Western civilization, but in Mr. Johnson's view he was also an anti-intellectual. Which is what makes him one of the good guys.
«One of the categories of people I don't like much are intellectuals,» Mr. Johnson says. «People say, 'Oh, you're an intellectual,' and I say, 'No!' What is an intellectual? An intellectual is somebody who thinks ideas are more important than people.» And indeed, Mr. Johnson's work and thought are characterized by concern for the human qualities of people. Cicero, he tells me, was not a man «one would have liked to have been friends with.» But even so the Roman statesman is «often very well worth reading.» His concern with the human dimension of history is reflected as well in his attitude toward humor, the subject of another recent book, «Humorists.» «The older I get,» he tells me, «the more important I think it is to stress jokes.»
Which is another reason he loves America. «One of the great contributions that America has made to civilization,» he deadpans, «is the one-liner.» The one-liner, he says, was «invented, or at any rate brought to the forefront, by Benjamin Franklin.» Mark Twain's were the «greatest of all.» And then there was Ronald Reagan. «Mr. Reagan had thousands of one-liners.» Here a grin spreads across Mr. Johnson's face: «That's what made him a great president.» Jokes, he argues, were a vital communication tool for President Reagan «because he could illustrate points with them.» Mr. Johnson adopts a remarkable vocal impression of America's 40th president and delivers an example: «You know, he said, 'I'm not too worried about the deficit. It's big enough to take care of itself.'» Recovering from his own laughter, he adds: «Of course, that's an excellent one-liner, but it's also a perfectly valid economic point.» Then his expression grows serious again and he concludes: «You don't get that from Obama. He talks inparagraphs.» *** Mr. Johnson has written about the famous and notorious around the world and across centuries, but he's not above telling of his personal encounters with history. He is, he says, «one of a dwindling band of people who actually met» Winston Churchill.
«In 1946,» he tells me, «he came up to my hometown because he was speaking at the Conservative Party conference up the road. And I managed to get in just as he was about to leave to make his speech. And I was 16. He seemed friendly, so I was inspired to say, 'Mr. Winston Churchill, sir, to what do you attribute your success in life?' And he said without any hesitation»—here Mr. Johnson drops his voice and puts on a passable Churchill impression—"'Conservation of energy. Never stand up when you can sit down. And never sit down when you can lie down,'" he relates with a laugh. «And I've never forgotten this,» he says, «because as a matter of fact, it's perfectly good advice.» Here he adds the kicker: «Interestingly enough, Theodore Roosevelt, who had a lot in common with Winston Churchill in many ways, but was quite a bit older, said of him, 'Oh, that Winston Churchill, he is not a gentleman. He doesn't get to his feet when a lady enters the room.'» Mr. Carney is editorial page editor of The Wall Street Journal Europe and the co-author of «Freedom, Inc.» (Crown Business, 2009).
После того, как победившие на выборах в Ирландии партии Fine Gael и the Labour Party, договорились о создании коалиции, был подписан программный документ под названием, в котором на 64 страницах, описаны детали действий до 2016 года.Основные положения документа, направлены на ускоренное восстановление экономики, рост занятости, постепенная отмена тех жестких мер, которые были приняты прошлым правительством.Однако, основные положения документа, показывают, что план по сокращению бюджетного дефицита предусматривает его снижение к 2015 году, что является компромиссным решением между партиями.Новизной документа, можно считать положение о создании Инвестиционного Банка Ирландии, который будет заниматься финансированием государственных проектов и возможно отчасти заменит Кредитные Союзы Ирландии, которые, в свою очередь, планируется реформировать.Основные положения документа можно посмотреть здесь: www.rte.ie/news/2011/0306/programme_for_national_government.pdf
В своих комментариях, которые были озвучены в интервью немецкой газете «Stuttgarter Zeitung», министр финансов Германии Вольфганг Шойбле выразил надежду, что базовое соглашение о введение новых правил регулирующих бюджетные параметры и повышающие конкурентоспособность, будет достигнуто.По его мнению, рынки должны получить четкий сигнал в пользу того, Европа нацелена защищать свою валюту.Господин Шойбле заявил, что сначала будут приняты базовые соглашения, а уже после этого, состоится отдельная встреча министров финансов Евросоюза, на которой будут обсуждены подробные детали будущего механизма. Оригинал
В открытом письме к лидерам Евросоюза, представители крупного немецкого бизнеса, призвали немедленно принять новые правила, повышающие дисциплину в финансовой сфере и направленные на адаптацию общеевропейских правил к тем, что существуют в Германии.В письме, которое подписали руководители таких промышленных ассоциаций как:BDI, BDA, DIHK ZDH написано, что"… мы поддерживаем предложения правительства для принятия твердых бюджетов и конкурентоспособной европейской экономики… простая коллективизация долга… будет наоборот перегружать сильные государства и ослаблять Европу в целом...«По мнению подписантов этого письма, стимулом для твердой фискальной политики, должно стать принятие изменений, включающих новые системные правила, в национальные конституции. Если страна будет нарушать Пакт стабильности, санкции должны происходить автоматически.Кроме этого, в письме предлагается, что идея по выпуску объединенных долговых бумаг не должна быть принята, а ЕЦБ должен прекратить покупать долговые бумаги проблемных стран. Оригинал
http://www.bloomberg.com/ (C) Источник
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Кинг, который редко дает интервью, выразил мнение, что культивирование банками получения краткосрочной прибыли и бонусов за счет «рутинного использования» миллионов клиентов в конечном счете обернется серьезными проблемами.
На вопрос корреспондента газеты о вероятном повторении финансового кризиса в Великобритании, Кинг ответил: «Да. Проблема по-прежнему существует. Ведется поиск по выходу из ситуации».
По словам главы Банка Англии, в настоящее время в стране наблюдается дисбаланс в банковской системе, который начинает вновь расти, когда банки нацелены лишь на краткосрочную прибыль. Как отметил Кинг, это стремление банкиров стало настоящей «культурной проблемой» в экономике страны — в отличие от финсектора предприятия «традиционных отраслей промышленности» ведут свой бизнес «более морально».
В частности, по мнению Кинга, частью «культурной проблемы» банков стала практика выплаты банковским сотрудникам бонусов.
Глава Банка Англии в декабре прошлого года принял решение отказаться на два года от повышения зарплат сотрудникам регулятора на фоне принимаемых в стране мер по сокращению госрасходов. Эксперты считают, что жесткие меры экономии, осуществляемые во многих странах Европы, являются необходимым условием для восстановления доверия к экономикам региона и, как следствие, повышения темпов экономического роста.
Вместе с тем, замораживание зарплат может привести к утечке ценных кадров из Банка Англии, полагают некоторые аналитики.
Банк Англии выполняет функции центрального банка Великобритании и отвечает за политику кредитно-финансовой политики страны
Цены на хлопок обноволи новый рекорд, достигнув уровня в $2.1970 (за фунт) в ходе электронных торгов в Нью-Йорке.
March 7 (Bloomberg) — Cotton surged the daily limit to a record in New York on signs that demand is exceeding supplies before new harvests later this year. May-delivery cotton rose 7 cents, or 3.3 percent, to the all-time high of $2.1970 a pound by 11:09 a.m. London time on ICE Futures U.S. in New York. The March contract last traded at $2.27, or 3.32 cents more than the May futures, signaling limited supplies.
This year’s cotton crop in the U.S., the biggest exporter, won’t be available until after August. “Recent price gains have been for the nearby contracts from March to July, so supplies of the old crop are extremely tight,” said Han Sung Min, a broker at Korea Exchange Bank Futures Co. in Seoul. “The market has been driven by fundamentals, not technical factors.” U.S. sales surged 56 percent from a week earlier to 403,341 bales in the week ended Feb. 24 as shipments increased to China, Turkey and Bangladesh, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said March 3.
China aims to boost output by 13.9 percent to 6.8 million metric tons this year, according to a government report issued at the meeting of the National People’s Congress in Beijing on March 5. Production fell 6.3 percent to 5.97 million tons last year, the National Bureau of Statistics said Feb. 28. Best Performer Cotton futures, which have more than doubled in the past year, are the best performer among the 19 commodities on the Thomson Reuters/Jefferies CRB Index. China’s January imports jumped 31 percent from a year ago to 390,720 tons, the customs agency said last month. China is the biggest consumer and producer of cotton. The U.S. is forecast to be the top exporter in 2010-2011, followed by India, Uzbekistan, Australia and Brazil, according to the USDA.
Правительство России намерено создать специальный фонд стоимостью в $ 10 млрд., для совместных инвестициях с ведущими международными фондами прямых инвестиций и в целях привлечения иностранного капитала в страну.Правительство обратилось за поомщью к банку Goldman Sachs, с просбой неофициально руководить этим проектом.Отдельно Россия также создает Комитета для консультирования, возглавляемый президентом России, чтобы форсировать превращение Москвы в международный финансовый центр. В Комитет будут включены: представитель банка Goldman Sachs, господин Ллойд Бланкфейн, основатель фонда Blackstone, господин Стив Шварцман, глава JPMorgan Chase, господин Джейми Даймон, и господин Брайан Мойнихан из Банка Америки, а также представители BNP Paribas и UniCredit
The Russian government is setting up a $10bn fund to co-invest with leading international private equity firms in an effort to attract foreign capital to the country, and has asked Goldman Sachs informally to guide the project, according to people familiar with the matter. Separately, Russia is also creating a committee to advise Dmitry Medvedev, Russian president, on transforming Moscow into an international financial centre. Members will include Goldman’s chief executive Lloyd Blankfein, Blackstone’s founder Steve Schwarzman, Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase and Brian Moynihan of Bank of America, as well as representatives from BNP Paribas and UniCredit among others.
The $10bn fund initiative comes directly from Mr Medvedev, these people add. The firms that have been approached include Apollo Management, Blackstone and Carlyle among others, and each is considering its response. The Russians have also reached out to Middle East sovereign wealth funds. So far, most private equity firms have regarded Russia with extreme caution.
Carlyle established investment teams there twice in the last decade and then disbanded them. At a Berlin conference on March 1, co-founder David Rubenstein said the returns to be made in Russia were not commensurate with the risks. “It is relatively less attractive than the other Bric countries,” he said. While there is no deadline, government officials are expected to meet Vladimir Putin, prime minister, at the end of this month to launch the initiative, with the capital likely to be committed over time. A spokesman for Russia’s first deputy prime minister Igor Shuvalov confirmed that discussions on creating such a fund were under way with officials. But he declined to comment on any of the details. Goldman also declined to comment. The Russian effort comes as scepticism about the rule of law, business practices and corruption remains widespread among western investors. Russian officials plan to sell government assets at what they say will be attractive prices.
Минздрав Японии временно приоастановил использование детской вакцины от производителей Pfizer Inc. и Sanofi- Aventis SA, так как были зафксированы четыре смертельных случая после прививок этими препаратами.Вакцины помогают детям от менингита и пневмонии, эти препараты делает американский Pfizer Inc., а французская компания Sanofi- Aventis SA делает вакцины (ActHIB) от гемофильной инфекции типа «b».Вот после использования именно данных препаратов и были отмечены несколько смертельных случаев.По крайне мере Минздрав Японии, имеет основания предполгать, что виновниками этих летальных случаев, стало применение вакцин от вышеназванных производителей.Запрет пока вводится до завтрашнего дня, и после расследования будет принято решение о том, запрещать окончательно или смертельные случаи связаны с неправильным применением препаратов.Кстати сказать, французский препарат «ActHIB» уже использовали около 1.500 миллионов японских детей, с тех пор, как вакцина была одобрена Минздравом в 2007 году.
March 7 (Bloomberg) — Japan’s health ministry suspended the use of pediatric vaccines made by Pfizer Inc. and Sanofi- Aventis SA after reports of four deaths following immunizations. The use of Pfizer’s Prevenar, to protect children against meningitis and pneumonia, and Sanofi’s ActHIB, to fight Haemophilus influenzae type b, will be suspended until at least tomorrow, when a safety panel will meet to discuss the cause of the deaths, the ministry said in a March 4 website posting. The temporary suspension is a precautionary measure following the deaths of four children who had previously been immunized simultaneously with several pediatric vaccines, said Victor Carey, the Sydney-based Asia Pacific medical director for Sanofi’s vaccines unit. About 1.5 million Japanese children have received ActHIB since it was approved in Japan in 2007, 15 years after it was first licensed in Europe, he said.
“No causal relationship has been established between immunization and these fatalities, but an investigation is under way, which we’re fully cooperating with,” Carey said in a telephone interview. Haemophilus influenzae type b, or Hib, caused 2 million to 3 million cases of serious disease, notably pneumonia and meningitis, and 386,000 deaths in young children in 2000, according to the Geneva-based World Health Organization. More than 200 million doses of ActHIB have been given to children in more than 120 countries, according to Paris-based Sanofi. Multiple Vaccines The deaths of the children in Japan occurred from March 2 to March 4, the ministry said. ActHIB was given to three of the four children, who were simultaneously vaccinated with at least one other vaccine from a different manufacturer, Carey said.
Pfizer’s Prevenar is a so-called pneumococcal conjugate vaccine that aims to prevent invasive disease caused by serotypes of the Streptococcus pneumoniae bacterium. The vaccine that protects against 13 serotypes generated $2.42 billion last year and a shot that fights seven serotypes had $1.25 billion in 2010 sales, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Surveillance in North America and Europe, where Prevenar has been used for at least a decade, hasn’t identified any major safety concerns, the WHO said in a 2007 report.
Evidence suggests pneumococcal conjugate vaccines will have a “considerable impact on pneumococcal disease and overall infant mortality,” the United Nations health agency said. Victoria Davis, a Pfizer spokeswoman, declined to comment specifically on the deaths in Japan. “Pfizer thoroughly reviews and continually monitors all of its medicines and vaccines as safety is our top priority,” the New York-based drugmaker said in an e-mailed statement. “The company thoroughly evaluates all reported cases and works closely with health authorities to determine if there is any association with use of our medicines and vaccines.”
США могут начать использовать стратегический запас нефти
Об этом вчера заявил представитель администрации президента США Билл Дэйли. Такое решение может быть принято в связи опасениями, что цена на нефть в районе 104 доллара за баррель может помешать восстановлению экономики США. Вместе с тем, чиновник заявил, что цена на нефть не будет единственным фактором при принятии такого решения.
Стратегический запас США составляет 727 млн. баррелей и является крупнейшим в мире. Он был создан после возникновения дефицита нефти в 1973-1974г., явившегося следствием конфликта, известного как война «Йом Кипур». В последние годы нефтяной стратегический резерв использовался дважды — во время войны в Ираке и в 2005 году после тайфуна «Катрина».
Citigroup повысил прогноз по ценам на Brent crude до 105 долл за барель с 90 долл на 2011 г и до 100 долл с 90 долл на 2012
Стратеги банка, в своем многостраничном исследовании, указывают на 4 так называемых «Известно неизвестных» момента, которые могут приводить к росту премии за страх, между сортами американской и европейской нефти.
— How much supply is at risk? — In our note Global Oil & Gas – Navigating the MENA Region, 28 February, we categorised 3.3Mbd of MENA exports as vulnerable but don’t completely discount the risk of more significant volumes being affected
– What is the market’s ability to respond to capacity outage? — Spare capacity is concentrated in a few hands within OPEC and its supply relies on Saudi Arabia’s ability to respond effectively
– What is the impact on global oil demand? — Energy intensity per unit of GDP is lower than at any time in history, arguing that each unit of demand is therefore less price sensitive and at least as difficult to ration out as it was in 2008
. – What impact does MENA change have on the long-term oil outlook? — Geological attractiveness and nations’ dependence on oil revenue does not change with government, arguing that medium-term productive capacity is most probably undeterred. We are not changing long-term oil price assumptions but consider sensitivity to change in risk profile
Подробности можно найти по ссылкам: ftalphaville.ft.com/blog/2011/03/07/506161/the-big-four-known-unknowns-for-oil/
Рост экспорта вероятно в этом году замедлится.Стабилизация экспорта нивилируется ростом импорта.Сокращение положительного баланса от торговли, вероятно скажется на курсе валюты.Рост цен на сырье сократит долю экспорта в структуре ВВП.Импорт в этом году будет вероятно расти быстрее чем экспорта, и не исключен дефицит торгового баланса в этом случае.Рост стоимости рабочей силы, также будет оказывать влияние на экспорт.
Export Growth Likely To Slow This Year To Stabilize Exports, Increase Imports.
Cut Surplus This Year Export Growth Likely To Slow This Year Fluctuating Currencies.
Commodity Prices Pose Challenge To Exports Trade Surplus As Share Of GDP To Fall
This Year Imports Likely To Grow Faster Than Exports This Year Can't Rule Out Trade Deficit For A Few Months
This Year Higher Labor Costs Pose Challenge For Exports
Toyota Motor Corp, которая традиционно получает большинство своей прибыли в США, будет менять стратегию роста продаж, делая ставку на развивающиеся рынки.Корпорация приняла 10-летний план развития и японский автопроизводитель собирается уже на этой неделе опубликовать детали плана. Toyota также планирует сократить состав топ-менеджмента, в рамках крупнейшей перетряски системы управления, за восемь лет.Президент корпорации, господин Акио Тойода, представит «Global Vision 2020», план по развитию, уже 9 марта, чтобы помочь повысить продажи.
Почему Америка будет оставаться на вершине.Статья в "The Wall Street Journal"
Статья в The Wall Street Journal" посвященная ситуации в Америке, призвана дать ответ на вопрос, останется ли страна такой же сильной или нет.Статья так и озаглавлена " Why America Will Stay on Top" (Почему Америка будет оставаться на вершине) Для тех, кто ищет ответы эта статья моедт оказаться полезной.
Вот по этой ссылке опубликована статья: online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703559604576175881248268272.html
By BRIAN M. CARNEY London In his best-selling history of the 20th century, «Modern Times,» British historian Paul Johnson describes «a significant turning-point in American history: the first time the Great Republic, the richest nation on earth, came up against the limits of its financial resources.» Until the 1960s, he writes in a chapter titled «America's Suicide Attempt,» «public finance was run in all essentials on conventional lines»—that is to say, with budgets more or less in balance outside of exceptional circumstances. «The big change in principle came under Kennedy,» Mr. Johnson writes.
«In the autumn of 1962 the Administration committed itself to a new and radical principle of creating budgetary deficits even when there was no economic emergency.» Removing this constraint on government spending allowed Kennedy to introduce «a new concept of 'big government': the 'problem-eliminator.' Every area of human misery could be classified as a 'problem'; then the Federal government could be armed to 'eliminate' it.» Twenty-eight years after «Modern Times» first appeared, Mr. Johnson is perhaps the most eminent living British historian, and big government as problem-eliminator is back with a vengeance—along with trillion-dollar deficits as far as the eye can see. I visited the 82-year-old Mr. Johnson in his West London home this week to ask him whether America has once again set off down the path to self-destruction. Is he worried about America's future? «Of course I worry about America,» he says.
«The whole world depends on America ultimately, particularly Britain. And also, I love America—a marvelous country. But in a sense I don't worry about America because I think America has such huge strengths—particularly its freedom of thought and expression—that it's going to survive as a top nation for the foreseeable future. And therefore take care of the world.» Pessimists, he points out, have been predicting America's decline «since the 18th century.»
But whenever things are looking bad, America «suddenly produces these wonderful things—like the tea party movement. That's cheered me up no end. Because it's done more for women in politics than anything else—all the feminists? Nuts! It's brought a lot of very clever and quite young women into mainstream politics and got them elected. A very good little movement, that. I like it.» Then he deepens his voice for effect and adds: «And I like that lady—Sarah Palin. She's great. I like the cut of her jib.» The former governor of Alaska, he says, «is in the good tradition of America, which this awful political correctness business goes against.» Plus: «She's got courage. That's very important in politics.
You can have all the right ideas and the ability to express them. But if you haven't got guts, if you haven't got courage the way Margaret Thatcher had courage—and [Ronald] Reagan, come to think of it. Your last president had courage too—if you haven't got courage, all the other virtues are no good at all. It's the central virtue.» *** Mr. Johnson, decked out in a tweed jacket, green cardigan and velvet house slippers, speaks in full and lengthy paragraphs that manage to be at once well-formed and sprinkled with a healthy dose of free association. He has a full shock of white hair and a quick smile.
He has, he allows, gone a bit deaf, but his mind remains sharp and he continues to write prolifically. His main concession to age, he says, is «I don't write huge books any more. I used to write 1,000 printed pages, but now I write short books. I did one on Napoleon, 50,000 words—enjoyed doing that. He was a baddie. I did one on Churchill, which was a bestseller in New York, I'm glad to say. 50,000 words. He was a goodie.» He's also written short forthcoming biographies of Socrates (another «goodie») and Charles Darwin (an «interesting figure»). Mr. Johnson says he doesn't follow politics closely anymore, but he quickly warms to the subject of the Middle East. The rash of uprisings across the Arab world right now is «a very interesting phenomenon,» he says.
«It's something that we knew all about in Europe in the 19th century. First of all we had the French Revolution and its repercussions in places like Germany and so on. Then, much like this current phenomenon, in 1830 we had a series of revolutions in Europe which worked like a chain reaction. And then in 1848, on a much bigger scale—that was known as the year of revolutions.» In 1848, he explains, «Practically every country in Europe, except England of course... had a revolution and overthrew the government, at any rate for a time. So that is something which historically is well-attested and the same thing has happened here in the Middle East.» Here he injects a note of caution: «But I notice it's much more likely that a so-called dictatorship will be overthrown if it's not a real dictatorship. The one in Tunisia wasn't very much. Mubarak didn't run a real dictatorship [in Egypt].
Real dictatorships in that part of the world,» such as Libya, are a different story. As for Moammar Gadhafi, «We'll see if he goes or not. I think he's a real baddie, so we hope he will.» The Syrian regime, he adds, «not so long ago in Hama... killed 33,000 people because they rose up.» Then, «above all,» there is Iran. «If we can get rid of that horrible regime in Iran,» he says, «that will be a major triumph for the world.» Frank judgments like these are a hallmark of Mr. Johnson's work, delivered with almost child-like glee. Of Mahatma Gandhi, he wrote in «Modern Times»: «About the Gandhi phenomenon there was always a strong aroma of twentieth-century humbug.» Socrates is much more to Mr. Johnson's liking. Whereas, in Mr. Johnson's telling, Gandhi led hundreds of thousands to death by stirring up civil unrest in India, all the while maintaining a pretense of nonviolence, Socrates «thought people mattered more than ideas.... He loved people, and his ideas came from people, and he thought ideas existed for the benefit of people,» not the other way around. In the popular imagination, Socrates may be the first deep thinker in Western civilization, but in Mr. Johnson's view he was also an anti-intellectual. Which is what makes him one of the good guys.
«One of the categories of people I don't like much are intellectuals,» Mr. Johnson says. «People say, 'Oh, you're an intellectual,' and I say, 'No!' What is an intellectual? An intellectual is somebody who thinks ideas are more important than people.» And indeed, Mr. Johnson's work and thought are characterized by concern for the human qualities of people. Cicero, he tells me, was not a man «one would have liked to have been friends with.» But even so the Roman statesman is «often very well worth reading.» His concern with the human dimension of history is reflected as well in his attitude toward humor, the subject of another recent book, «Humorists.» «The older I get,» he tells me, «the more important I think it is to stress jokes.»
Which is another reason he loves America. «One of the great contributions that America has made to civilization,» he deadpans, «is the one-liner.» The one-liner, he says, was «invented, or at any rate brought to the forefront, by Benjamin Franklin.» Mark Twain's were the «greatest of all.» And then there was Ronald Reagan. «Mr. Reagan had thousands of one-liners.» Here a grin spreads across Mr. Johnson's face: «That's what made him a great president.» Jokes, he argues, were a vital communication tool for President Reagan «because he could illustrate points with them.» Mr. Johnson adopts a remarkable vocal impression of America's 40th president and delivers an example: «You know, he said, 'I'm not too worried about the deficit. It's big enough to take care of itself.'» Recovering from his own laughter, he adds: «Of course, that's an excellent one-liner, but it's also a perfectly valid economic point.» Then his expression grows serious again and he concludes: «You don't get that from Obama. He talks inparagraphs.» *** Mr. Johnson has written about the famous and notorious around the world and across centuries, but he's not above telling of his personal encounters with history. He is, he says, «one of a dwindling band of people who actually met» Winston Churchill.
«In 1946,» he tells me, «he came up to my hometown because he was speaking at the Conservative Party conference up the road. And I managed to get in just as he was about to leave to make his speech. And I was 16. He seemed friendly, so I was inspired to say, 'Mr. Winston Churchill, sir, to what do you attribute your success in life?' And he said without any hesitation»—here Mr. Johnson drops his voice and puts on a passable Churchill impression—"'Conservation of energy. Never stand up when you can sit down. And never sit down when you can lie down,'" he relates with a laugh. «And I've never forgotten this,» he says, «because as a matter of fact, it's perfectly good advice.» Here he adds the kicker: «Interestingly enough, Theodore Roosevelt, who had a lot in common with Winston Churchill in many ways, but was quite a bit older, said of him, 'Oh, that Winston Churchill, he is not a gentleman. He doesn't get to his feet when a lady enters the room.'» Mr. Carney is editorial page editor of The Wall Street Journal Europe and the co-author of «Freedom, Inc.» (Crown Business, 2009).
После того, как победившие на выборах в Ирландии партии Fine Gael и the Labour Party, договорились о создании коалиции, был подписан программный документ под названием, в котором на 64 страницах, описаны детали действий до 2016 года.Основные положения документа, направлены на ускоренное восстановление экономики, рост занятости, постепенная отмена тех жестких мер, которые были приняты прошлым правительством.Однако, основные положения документа, показывают, что план по сокращению бюджетного дефицита предусматривает его снижение к 2015 году, что является компромиссным решением между партиями.Новизной документа, можно считать положение о создании Инвестиционного Банка Ирландии, который будет заниматься финансированием государственных проектов и возможно отчасти заменит Кредитные Союзы Ирландии, которые, в свою очередь, планируется реформировать.Основные положения документа можно посмотреть здесь: www.rte.ie/news/2011/0306/programme_for_national_government.pdf
В своих комментариях, которые были озвучены в интервью немецкой газете «Stuttgarter Zeitung», министр финансов Германии Вольфганг Шойбле выразил надежду, что базовое соглашение о введение новых правил регулирующих бюджетные параметры и повышающие конкурентоспособность, будет достигнуто.По его мнению, рынки должны получить четкий сигнал в пользу того, Европа нацелена защищать свою валюту.Господин Шойбле заявил, что сначала будут приняты базовые соглашения, а уже после этого, состоится отдельная встреча министров финансов Евросоюза, на которой будут обсуждены подробные детали будущего механизма. Оригинал
В открытом письме к лидерам Евросоюза, представители крупного немецкого бизнеса, призвали немедленно принять новые правила, повышающие дисциплину в финансовой сфере и направленные на адаптацию общеевропейских правил к тем, что существуют в Германии.В письме, которое подписали руководители таких промышленных ассоциаций как:BDI, BDA, DIHK ZDH написано, что"… мы поддерживаем предложения правительства для принятия твердых бюджетов и конкурентоспособной европейской экономики… простая коллективизация долга… будет наоборот перегружать сильные государства и ослаблять Европу в целом...«По мнению подписантов этого письма, стимулом для твердой фискальной политики, должно стать принятие изменений, включающих новые системные правила, в национальные конституции. Если страна будет нарушать Пакт стабильности, санкции должны происходить автоматически.Кроме этого, в письме предлагается, что идея по выпуску объединенных долговых бумаг не должна быть принята, а ЕЦБ должен прекратить покупать долговые бумаги проблемных стран. Оригинал
http://www.bloomberg.com/ (C) Источник
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